Thousand Petals Yoga


Welcome to the THOUSAND PETALS YOGA online studio offering yoga classes for all levels, all ages and all bodies with Sommer and Paul Sobin. Enjoy classes from the comfort of your own home and on your own time. Options include our Monthly Membership Site with hundreds of classes, Live Stream Classes and our most recent Live Stream recordings.


​our story

Hey y’all! We are Sommer and Paul Sobin, full time yoga teachers since 2000. Whoa, that’s a lot of years! As soon as you start practicing with us, you’ll find that we are deeply passionate about movement, breath, mind training, protecting our planet, community bonds and how through all of this, we achieve greater freedom in our lives. Our most emphasized teaching these days revolves around simply being. That’s right, stillness, connection to nature, less doing and more boredom (boredom good!) along with cultivating contentment with whatever may arise is what brings us fulfillment. 

We teach yoga classes for every level through our giant and ever-growing membership library and livestream classes. Our emphasis is on clear alignment which goes back to our days as Anusara instructors in the early 2000’s. We guide all of our students to feel empowered and safe in their practice. While we tend to hold postures and work towards clear alignment, we also teach with a vinyasa flair, so classes keep moving playfully and are full of wisdom teachings. On our membership site, we have loads of classes for beginners, including 4-class and 8-class progressive series’ for newcomers to get down with the fundamentals. Additionally, we offer meditation sessions, deep rest Yoga Nidra classes, yin classes, philosophy talks, and a series we call “Mellow Yellow Yoga” designed specifically to ease anxiety and inspire calm.  

Our partnership has lasted 26 years and counting! Our two children are full-on characters who teach us more about patience, humility, unconditional love and being in the moment than we could’ve ever imagined or asked for. We’re passionate about waking up to the sacred in everyday life and revel in sharing these awakening practices with our community. We’ve been very fortunate to have incredible teachers in multiple fields/traditions and we’re both passionate learners, especially when it comes to all things related to spiritual studies, esoteric studies, herbs and the arts; most specifically painting for Sommer and guitar for Paul. And did we mention we love to travel?! Especially with our community, which is a big reason behind why we lead retreats all around the world. Thanks for visiting our site. We are super excited to serve you!

​studio mission

The thousand petal lotus is the symbol of the seventh chakra; the symbol of awakening. Our mission at Thousand Petals Yoga is simple: teach serious yoga classes with a playful spirit, deepen community bonds and inspire all to awaken to the fullness of life—right here, right now. We are highly versed in yoga alignment and philosophy and we are here to serve with dedication and joy. We look forward to you joining us for the ride.